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March 9, 2025

June – Week 1 and 2 update

And so the ‘Sell in May’ period may finally be done. The market as a whole is at record highs, but parts of it, certain sectors don’t necessarily feel that way. Short attacks on many companies, including some we hold in our folio, added to the volatility our portfolio experienced.…

May – Week 1 and 2 update

The quiet, deceptive bull market continues. The numbers show almost 7,100 points for the ASX 200 with a high last week of almost 7,200. The reality is a different kind of K shaped pattern emerging with the technology and related sectors that did well last year, coming off the boil…

April – Week 3 and 4 update

After cracking the 7,000 point mark, the second half of April has been ‘Kangaroo’ like for the ASX. The earnings season in the US and talk tax increases have had a downward effect on their markets which have bled into the ASX. The ASX VIX (volatility index) has remained around…

March – Week 3 and 4 update

The market is attempting a recovery in the latter half of March, heading back over the 6,800 mark and staying there. The ASX VIX (volatility index) has dropped down from around 13 to 11 this month. Volatility doesn’t necessarily show market direction (up or down) but the range of average…

March – Week 1 and 2 update

March started well before fading away toward the end of week 2 and rallying on the last Friday. Remember, this is after a week or so of turbulence and correction especially in the technology sector both locally and in the US. The ASX VIX (volatility index) had crept back up,…

February – Week 3 and 4 update

The market is now inching ever closer to the 7,000 mark. Only 120 points away now. Almost at pre-COVID levels. The ASX VIX (volatility index) remains under 15. Volatility doesn’t necessarily show market direction (up or down) but the range of average price changes over time. The S&P/ASX 200 VIX…


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